American River Parkway Cleanup

American River Parkway cleanup hauls in 47,000 pounds of trash | The  Sacramento Bee


Did you know?

From January 2021 to September 2021, park rangers collected more than 1000 tons of trash and debris, which is an average of about 110 tons of garbage and debris every month

(Source: Sacramento County Ranger Activity Data)


Let’s come together and help clean up the increasing amounts of trash and debris along the American River Parkway.


Our Objectives:

1. By January 2022, we will increase the number of clean up volunteers to 200 volunteers to reduce trash and debris by 5% in 3 months.

2. By May 2022, we will organize 12 cleanup events at the American River Parkway to reduce trash and debris by 10% in 6 months.

3. By October 2022, we will be able to able to increases the number of visitors by 10% by decreasing the amount of trash and debris by 20% in 12 months.



Upcoming Volunteer Cleanup Event

When: Saturday January 15, 2022 from 9:00am to 12:00 pm

Where: Carlson Drive, American River Parkway

Click below to view a map of the trail:

Trail Map

Directions to the cleanup Site:

Using Google Maps

Sign up now for an upcoming Volunteer Cleanup Event

Trash bags and other supplies will be provided at the cleanup sites.

County deps partner to get garbage out of the American River Parkway | The  Sacramento BeeVolunteers needed to help clean up American River Parkway


Help keep the Parkway clean! Please throw away your garbage in the available trash cans or pack it out.



Looking for volunteer jobs at American River Parkway?

Sign up here


Some tips for visitors to help keep the parkway clean

1.   Use Trash and Recycling Containers

2.   Report if you see someone littering

3.  Bring some extra trash bags on your picnics and hikes, in case someone else needs them

4.   Avoid the use of single-use items such as plastic straws


Vaneetpal Kaur takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Vaneetpal Kaur and not that of California State University, Sacramento.